Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why was Sarajevo the Jerusalem of Europe?

Why did it work? Why did Christians, Jews and Muslims live there peacefully for such a long time?

Nobody in my class answered my question. (Top: Srebrenica massacre commemoration in Sarajevo - summer 2007.)

Let me put this into context: we are talking about conditionality, EU accession as an incentive for "Western Balkans" to reform their justice systems and to bring war criminals to justice and models of democratization. Which models of democratization should be adopted in the region?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Folks, Friends, Faeries

Folks, Friends, Faeries

We’re up and out the door, and you’d better catch us while on the move. www.cosmopolitanreview.com is shaking things up and out.

In the Spring issue, walk the line down 25 Nobel years with Lech Wałęsa, reach out to what it was growing up Polish in Tanzania, put historian Georges Mink on the hotseat, learn how to find treasure in a lump of coal.

From Paris to Kilimanjaro to Rome, Siberia to Paris, Baku and back, and an oracle of elsewhere thrown in for good measure -

Gombrowicz crossed the Atlantic before us with words. Today we ride on the backs of giants –

From Warsaw, Montreal, New York

With love


Oh, PS: If you like our work, or an article, or anything about CR, send us out to your friends and colleagues. We love your feedback, but if you really want to pay us back for the love put into this, pay it forward. Get friends talking, writing, engaging. Use us as a forum for debate. That’s how initiatives like CR keep levitating, defying forces of time and gravity.